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For individuals
Para individuos

Thinking Styles Assessment / Adults

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Identify and nurture your natural talents for a better personal and/or professional life.

One-on-one sessions

Online sessions

Coaching with Benziger / Adults - Young People
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It allows you to identify and rediscover your essence or natural talents, increasing your motivation and optimizing your performance in both your professional and/or personal life.

One-on-one sessions

Online sessions
For work teams
Para equipos

Thinking Styles Assessment / Teams
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Identify the talent of your collaborators/staff to improve the job of each member while also impacting the group's performance.

One-on-one sessions

Online sessions

Coaching with Benziger / Teams

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We guarantee greater communication quality, more confidence, higher performance, and commitment in your teams.

Group sessions

Online / In-Person
For coaches and
H.R. Managers
Para coaches

Bzg Consultant Certification
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The Bzg Assessment can be provided to youngsters as well as adults all over the world thanks to the Benziger Consultant Certification.
Group or individual sessions
Certification to become
a Bzg Consultant

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